Electrical Turnkey Projects needs everyone’s cent percent attention and commitment. Right from ‘First’ meeting to ‘Handover’ Meeting we are attuned to work closely with the client. For us Designing and Execution are not two different water tight compartments….In a dynamic scenario like Greenfield projects, we are always willing to go back to drawing board to achieve perfect results.

We are Electrical Engineers & End To End Solution Providers in Electricals & Automation. For a Greenfield Project “GVL” assumes the role of Electrical Partner of the client by preparing a Unique Comprehensive Electrical Scheme based on Plant Architectural Layout & Machinery Layout.

The “WELL ENGINEERED” Electrical Power Distribution Scheme confirms to relevant Indian Standards(IS), National Building Code of India, Indian Electricity (IE) rules & regulations ensuring “HIGHEST SAFETY” to Personnel during Installation and to the Operations Personnel. Furthermore the scheme ensures elimination of breakdowns, loss of production & damage to precious machinery. Thus we “Optimise Energy” in turn “Optimise Cost” in terms of Capex & Opex.

The unique scheme comprises of the following:
• Precisely calculated Maximum Demand (MD), since the Electricity Company billing is based on Max. Demand.
• Right Sizing of Transformer is critically important since Energy meter of Electricity Supply Company is prior to the Transformer and losses are

measured & metered. Bigger the Transformer Higher the losses. Considering 365days of a year difference between Watt Loss of Right Sized Transformer & Bigger Transformer is a major wastage of resources.

+ Right Sizing of DG set.
+ Single Line Diagram.(SLD)
+ Cable Schedule.
+ Earthing station layout & schedule.
+ Electrical Equipment layout.
+ Internal & External Illumination(Lighting) scheme based on Lux requirements.
+ General Arrangement(GA) drawings of various electrical control panels.
+ Design, Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 11kV, 22kV, 33kV Transformer substations on turnkey basis & comprising of Distribution Transformers, Huphen make Metering Kiosk, TOD/ABT meters, conventional multi pole / gantry structures, High Tension Switches, Drop Out Fuses (D.O.F.), Isolators, Indoor / Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breakers or SF-6 gas filled Circuit Breakers, Current Transformers (CT’s), Potential Transformers (PT’s), Lightening Arrestors, HT cables & terminations etc.

To complement the well-engineered scheme we carry out entire electrical installation work by deploying a team of well trained technicians & focused supervisors.